The New Culture Forum
The New Culture Forum was established in 2006 in the UK to question dominant cultural narratives in sectors like the media, education and culture. Through its own media production consisting of various publications, panel discussions, podcasts and a YouTube channel, it creates a space for contemporary debate aimed at challenging ideological conformity within the British status quo. They also promote the significance of Western civilisation and highlight Britain’s influential role in shaping it.
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A growing platform offering thought-provoking podcasts, publications and events covering the most pressing cultural issues of today.
The New Culture Forum (NCF) is a UK-based think tank and media platform which challenges the dominance of ideological conformity through it’s through documentaries, discussions, events and interviews. Its mission is to promote free speech, objective debate and a more open and balanced public conversation. Advertise on their YouTube content or podcasts to access a highly-engaged, international audience.
Cost starting from
- 45K listeners per month
- 1.6M YouTube views on average per month
- 30.4K X followers
Demographic Sex
Demographic Age

UK 56.8%
US 13%
Australia 5.9%
Canada 4.3%
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