Where thought-provoking discourse meets diverse perspectives, fostering an environment where ideas thrive and discussions ignite.
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A platform dedicated to fostering intellectual discourse and exploring diverse perspectives on a range of topics. With a commitment to free expression and rigorous debate, Quillette serves as a hub for thought-provoking content that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages critical thinking.
Quillette offers a unique opportunity to connect with an engaged and intellectually curious audience. Readers are passionate about exploring new ideas and engaging with thought-provoking content across a variety of subjects, including politics, culture, science, and more. By advertising on Quillette, you’ll have the chance to reach a discerning audience that values independent thinking and intellectual curiosity. Whether you’re promoting a product, service, or idea, Quillette provides a platform to spark meaningful conversations and connect with an audience eager to explore new perspectives.
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- Website Display: 800,000 – 1.2M monthly pageviews
- Podcast: 97,000 monthly downloads
- Social Media: 625,000+ follower reach
- Newsletter: 115,000 recipients; 45% open rate
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US 40%
Canada 10%
UK 9%
Australia 8%
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