Engage a diverse audience on social and political issues, often critiquing mainstream narratives.
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Challenging Mainstream Narratives: Insightful Commentary on Social and Political Issues
Modernity News is a dynamic platform that critically examines social and political issues, offering a refreshing perspective that often counters mainstream narratives. With a robust monthly readership, their engaging content is shared widely across various social media platforms.
As they continue to grow, the goal is to serve as a voice for the free-thinking silent majority, providing insightful commentary that resonates with a predominantly male demographic aged 29-45.
Cost starting from
- Monthly Views: 368,781 views
- Unique Visitors: 196,556 visitors
- Social Media Reach: 1.3 million followers on X/Twitter
- YouTube Subscribers: 2.3 million across two channels
Demographic Sex
Demographic Age
US 65%
UK 15%
Canada 10%
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